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Light of the Nations

Light of the Nations


Or Goyim.


In Hebrew, this title of Christ given to Isaiah translates: "Light to the Nations."


As I painted this prophetic and relevant illustration of Jesus, my eyes were opened to how desperately we need too see the restoration and salvation promised to Isaiah in our day: “It is too small a thing that You should be My Servant To raise up the tribes of Jacob and to restore the protected ones of Israel; I will also make You a Light of the nations so that My salvation may reach to the end of the earth.” Isaiah 49:6


Jane Hamon, a seasoned prophet and leader in the body of Christ, recently had a stirring and encouraging word from the Lord regarding the Church. She says:


“We are now in a very important time of spiritual engagement, prayer and contending over God’s destiny and purpose for the United States and other nations in the earth. Romans 13:11 exhorts us to ‘know the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep.’ The Spirit of God is awakening watchmen and intercessors to watch and pray as never before.


I believe the Lord is saying to His Ekklesia, ‘My people, do not be afraid of the night! The night does not belong to evil. I OWN THE NIGHT! The night only coaxes wickedness out of their hiding places, then when the light is turned on there is no place to run. The night precedes the dawning of the new day. For you are living in the manifestation of Isaiah 60 where it seems darkness is covering the earth and deep darkness and deception cover the people, BUT I the Lord am rising on you! And My glory will be seen on you! THEN nations (even this nation) will come to your light and kings and leaders to the brightness of your rising!’ (see Isaiah 60:1-3)


So, HOLD THE LINE, EKKLESIA!!! It is a time to advance even in the midst of darkness.


Hold the line through prayer and prophetic decrees

Hold the line with worship that opens the heavens

Hold the line for your own personal peace, joy, and faith

Hold the line for justice, truth, and righteousness

Hold the line for the coming revival and awakening

Hold the line for the destiny of your nation.

Shake off the weariness, and break out of grief and disappointment! Rise up as warriors, empowered by Holy Spirit and take your land. Our victory has never been closer, but we must press through the night to the dawning of our new day.”


Father, we are thankful that You have a plan for redemption and that You, our "Or Goyim," will be a Light to the Nations shining brightly into the darkness. We thank You that our greatest days are ahead, as Your Ekklesia rises up and takes its place of authority in our land. We set our eyes on You, knowing You are up to something supernatural that will usher in the greatest spiritual awakening in the history of the earth. 


Lord, give us eyes to see what You are doing. Give us ears to hear what You are saying. Give us courageous hearts that stand ready to hold the line for righteousness, justice, and truth. We want to see Your salvation reach the ends of the earth. Anything less than that would be too small a thing for You and for us. Give us the spirit of wisdom and revelation so we can push back evil, restore divine order, secure peace and see Your kingdom advance, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

©2024 by Heidi Ngai.

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